Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Abject and Anticipatory

I'm gonna post soon, I swear! Just as soon as I stop enjoying SPRING, which will be n-e-v-e-r!! A-ha-ha-ha, suckers!!! You'll never get a blog post from me again!!!

Now that I've gone very ninth-grade-diary on you all... here's a list of what's to come. It's as much for my own memory as it is for your abject, anticipatory torture.

  • Student surveys and snack parties
  • Thinking my students are way too attractive (I don't need to post about that, I think that line says it all. Just add a dash of shame and you've got my brain's daily special.)
  • More everyday French that I'm relishing
  • A video or two from my big-city escapades
  • Being mistaken for a French person by a French person, when I spoke, again...
  • Really leaning into the travel-journal-ness of this all, which basically means I don't take enough photos but I'm the kind of person who is more satisfied by descriptive verbal recollection, so that's what y'all are going to get, too. :)
P.S. I'm sorry for not responding to some of your emails, esp serious ones. A response is coming soon.


    1. it's sounding like you're having a good time atm! hurray! but do come home!! <3

    2. My only "abject, anticipatory torture" is watching Giants' games! haha At least they won last night, and are 2-4 in the win-loss column for the year. So pathetic, but both Timmy and Matty won! haha "Giants baseball=torture." Duane Kuiper, Giants announcer.

